Introducing the Bennett + Bennett Women in Surveying Scholarship

In the world of surveying, as with many STEM fields, the gender gap persists. Despite strides toward equality in other industries, women remain under-represented in surveying professions. At Bennett + Bennett, a leading firm in the field, we recognise this disparity and are committed to fostering change. That's why we're proud to announce our partnership with UniSQ to introduce the Bennett + Bennett Women in Surveying Scholarship.

The scholarship, valued at $4,000, aims to support female students embarking on their journey in surveying. Open to domestic students residing in Australia, the scholarship is available to those commencing or continuing their studies in Associate Degree of Spatial Science, Bachelor of Spatial Science Technology, or Bachelor of Spatial Science (Honours). We firmly believe that by investing in women pursuing careers in surveying, we can pave the way for a more diverse and inclusive future in the industry.

"This scholarship is more than just financial support; it's an investment in the future of our industry," says Mark Billsborough, Managing Director of Bennett + Bennett. "By encouraging more women to pursue careers in surveying, we're not only diversifying the talent pool but also fostering innovation and driving progress."

So why are we offering this scholarship? The answer lies in our dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion. Surveying benefits from a variety of perspectives and experiences; by encouraging more women to enter the profession, we hope to bring fresh insights and innovative solutions to the table. Diversity fosters creativity and drives progress, and we believe that supporting female students in surveying is a crucial step toward achieving these goals.

For applicants, the Bennett + Bennett Women in Surveying Scholarship offers more than just financial assistance. It provides a platform for women to pursue their passion for surveying with confidence. Recipients not only receive financial support but also gain access to valuable resources and networks within the industry. This recognition serves as a source of empowerment, motivating them to excel in their studies and careers.

Our ultimate goal is to drive positive change within the industry. Through initiatives like the Bennett + Bennett Women in Surveying Scholarship, we aim to increase diversity, empower women, and foster long-term impact.

We encourage eligible female students to seize this opportunity and apply for the Bennett + Bennett Women in Surveying Scholarship. Together, we can break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and build a more diverse and equitable future in surveying. Join us in shaping the future of the industry and making a difference in the lives of aspiring female surveyors.

For more information, eligibility criteria, and to apply, click here.

Banner image: Rebecca Johnston, UniSQ